Shining the Light of Christ….A Ministry of Christian Journalism for 20 Years

Read Past Print Issues

Below, The Christian View magazine is making the following past print issues available to read in digital format: a previous Veterans Tribute issue and The Christian View magazine’s Sesquicentennial issue, celebrating Pickens County’s 150th anniversary. These two issues were printed as special supplements to The Christian View magazine’s online magazine at that time.

This 44-page issue, with 58 photographs, the first issue printed by Lighthouse Printing, is dedicated to all who have served in the United States Armed Forces, including those Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

This issue includes articles on: 

Flags for Fallen Military and the Patriot Guard Riders honoring the memory of Private First Class Barrett Austin, with an American flag and a flagpole installed at the home of Barrett Austin’s parents, Curt and Yolanda Austin,

The construction of the Memorial Park to honor Captain Kimberly Hampton at the Easley Library named in her memory. (The Christian View magazine’s online magazine also included an in-depth article, with more than 60 photographs, about the Captain Kimberly Hampton Memorial Golf Tournament  and an article on Operation Dragonfly),

The Pickens community, including the Boy Scouts of Troop 51, honoring SP4 Charles Johnson, Jr., who was the first person from Pickens County to die in the Vietnam War,

A monument dedicated in the memorial garden at the Boy Scouts Troop 51 scout hut in memory of former Troop 51 Eagle Scout Ephriam Rutledge ‘Rut’ Liles, of Pickens, who died in the Vietnam War,

Quilts of Valor presented to local veterans Bill Duckworth, Milton ‘Milt’ Ponder, Robert Raines, and Steven Raines,

Milton ‘Milt’ Ponder accepting a Quilt of Valor on behalf of his friends ‘Rut’ Liles and John Reaves, who died in Vietnam in 1969,

Honoring former prisoners of war with ties to Clemson: Colonel Bill Austin (former Vietnam War POW), Colonel Ben Skardon (former World War II POW), and First Lieutenant Bill Funchess (former Korean War POW),

World War II veteran John Holcombe and his wife, Rema, sharing memories about their lives and his time serving in the U.S. Army during World War II,

The Vietnam Moving Wall, displayed at the Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative in Westminster,

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and the United States Department of Defense honoring Mildred Brewer for honoring Vietnam veterans and their families,

The Pickens County Veterans Parade in Liberty honoring men and women who have served our nation,

South Carolina State Representatives Davey Hiott and Gary Clary presenting former prisoner of war First Lt. Bill Funchess of Clemson with The Order of the Palmetto at Pickens County’s Salute to Veterans Show,

The American Legion Pickens Post 11 dedicating the War Memorial Wall and Flagpole at the Legion hut,

Lt. Clebe McClary speaking in chapel as Southern Wesleyan University honored veterans, 

Southern Wesleyan University’s new military monument (the idea for which came from Command Sergeant Major Dr. Robert ‘Bob’ Nash) paying tribute to members of our nation’s armed forces,

From Sassafras Mountain to the city of Pickens, veterans beginning their walk across the state to raise awareness for South Carolina Arrows for Heroes,

Clemson University Military and Veteran Engagement welcoming veterans from South Carolina Arrows for Heroes at Clemson University’s Scroll of Honor Memorial Park,

Honoring Their Service Ride, with Special Operations Command Marines, based at Camp LeJeune, and Wounded Warriors welcomed at Southern Wesleyan University,

When this issue was printed, it was a special edition serving as a supplement to articles in The Christian View magazine’s weekly online magazine at that time.

This 20-page oversized 11″x15″ issue celebrates Pickens County’s Sesquicentennial events and shares local citizens’ memories and photographs from Pickens County’s Centennial celebration 50 years earlier. 

This issue includes The Christian View magazine’s photographs from the excavation of the 1968 time capsule, County officials getting the 50-year-old capsule out of concrete and tar, the official ceremony for opening the 1968 time capsule, and The Blue Ribbon Birthday Bash and Pickens County’s Got Talent show.

Local citizens who shared with The Christian View magazine their memories from the 1968 Centennial celebration include, in alphabetical order: JoAnn Gilstrap Brewer, Glenn Brock, Charles Burkett, Vicki Crawford, Charles Dalton, Davey Hiott, Kay Hiott, Dean Holder, Jerry Hughes, Pat Mulkey, Joe Waldrop, Tommy Webster, and Pat Welborn. 

When this issue was printed, an additional 1,200 photographs by The Christian View magazine from Pickens County Sesquicentennial events were published in The Christian View magazine’s online magazine.